Brazilian-PORTUGUESE & the use of ENGLISH and SPANISH by travelers
Portuguese - not Spanish - is Brazil's official language. Spanish may help you, if you have a reasonable Spanish knowledge, but a poor one will not help you so much. There are similarities, but also significant differences in pronunciation and in basic vocabulary. Spanish isn't a good business language neither. Brazilian executives normally prefer English to Spanish.
At tourist resorts and large hotels and restaurants you will get by just speaking English, but do not expect being understood by most people outside those places.
Knowing some basic Portuguese words and expressions is always useful for your Brazilian travel.
For books about Portuguese learning, see:
Language books: learning Portuguese/Brazilian
Good morning - Bom dia
Good afternoon - Boa tarde
Good evening / Goodnight - Boa noite
Hi / Hey! - Oi!
See you soon - Até ja
Goodbye/ Farewell - Adeus
What's your name? - Qual o seu nome?
Common words/phrases
Do you speak English? - Fala inglês?
I don't understand - Não entendo.
Do you understand? - Entende?
Please - Por favor
Thank you - Obrigado
Excuse me - Desculpe
One - Um
Two - Dois
Three - Três
Four - Quatro
Five - Cinco
How much? - Quanto?
How many? - Quantos?
Hotels & Restaurants
Hotel - Hotel
Restaurant - Restaurante
Hotel booking - Marcar hotel
Single room - Quarto de solteiro
Double room - Quarto de casado
Suitcase - Mala
Room service - Serviço de quarto
Key - Chave
Luggage - Bagagem
Bag - Bolsa
The manager - O gerente
Waiter - Garçon
Breakfast - Pequeno almoço / Café da manhã
Lunch - Almoço
Dinner - Jantar
Eating, drinkings
Coffee - Café
Tea - Chá
Beer - Cerveja / Chopp
Juice - Suco
Wine - Vinho
The bill, please! - A conta, se faz favor!
Names of popular Brazilian dishes
Northeastern dishes (Salvador) - Vatapá, moqueca, caruru, acaraja
Names of popular Brazilian Spirits
Names of Brazilian Juices
Agua de coco (coconut juice)
Batido de coco (cachaça and coconut juice)
Batido de maracujá (cachaça and passion fruit)
Guaraná (children's drink)
When? - Quando?
At what time? - A que horas?
Bank and Money
Money - Dinheiro
Bank - Banco
ATM - Saques por cartão
Credit card - Cartão de crédito
Brazilian currency - Real (1 Real = 100 centavos)
Beach - Praia
Airport - Aeroporto
Train station - Estação de trem
Bus station - Estação de ónibus; or rodoviária
Post office - Correios
Tourism Office - Posto turístico
Police station - Delegacia de polícia
Ticket office - Bilheteira
Embassy - Embaixada
Pharmacy - Farmácia
Doctor - Médico
Bank - Banco
Bar - Bar
Buy, Sell
Buy - Comprar
Sell - Vender
Where can I buy - Onde posso comprar
Air conditioning, ceiling fans, table fans
Air conditioning - Ar condicionado
Ceiling fan - Ventilador de teto
Table fan - Ventilador de mesa
Homes, Energy
House, Home - Casa
Energy efficient home - Casa Eficiente
Solar energy - Energia solar
Power, eletricity - Eletricidade
Home Heating - Aquecimento da casa
Home Cooling - Arrefecimento da casa
Map - Mapa
Service station - Posto de gasolina
Transportation - Transporte
Taxi - Taxi
Bus - Onibus
Car - Carro
Plane - Avião
Train - Trem
Boat - Barco
Stop - Parar
Ticket - Bilhete
Car rental - Locadora